Hip Hop blogs and websites that promote independent underground artist music and videos on their sites Top rappers 2017 unsigned.

Are you an independent artist looking for music contacts or blogger that will possible promote you on their blog site or magazine? Below is a list I have created of major Hip Hop blogs and websites that are dedicated to promoting independent underground artist through featuring you bio and music videos on their sites or publications. Please visit each site and find out exact details on how to get your music featured.

Check out Ironic The godmother shes a beast on the track! 
to check out some of her videos! over 500,00 views!
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YouHeardThatNew www.youheardthatnew.com
HotNewHipHop www.hotnewhiphop.com
InFlexWeTrust www.inflexwetrust.com
Upcoming Hip Hop www.upcominghiphop.net
The Rapfest www.therapfest.com
Dj Booth www.djbooth.net
Worldstar Hip Hop www.worldstarhiphop.com
Pigeons & Planes www.pigeonsandplanes.com
DJ Booth www.djbooth.net
Rhyme Junkie www.rhymejunkie.com
Good Music All Day www.goodmusicallday.com
Indie Hip Hop www.indiehiphop.net
InFlexWeTrust www.inflexwetrust.com
HipHopWired www.hiphopwired.com
Rap Radar www.rapradar.com
Sways Universe www.swaysuniverse.com
Rhyme Junkie www.rhymejunkie.com
The Source www.thesource.com
Hip Hop Early www.hiphopearly.com
HotNewHipHop www.hotnewhiphop.com
Global Grind www.globalgrind.com
Hip Hop Weekly www.hiphopweekly.com
Hip Hop Vibe www.hip-hopvibe.com
HipHopWired www.hiphopwired.com
Rap Radar www.rapradar.com
Pigeons & Planes www.pigeonsandplanes.com

New Music from Lil Flip, Ironic The Godmother, Rip The general and  Indica
